Monday, November 2, 2009

Bangalore, Part I

Arrived 3:05 am local time Monday morning (subtract 13:30 if you're on PDT; I think it's now -12:30 for PST--this could screw up some things), found a driver and headed south 30 km to Bangalore. British rules driving, except that everyone occupies two lanes at once. Passing is a negotiation conducted through a combination of lights and horns, but it's done with what I'm starting to understand as a thorough Indian politeness.

Also, everyone speaks English. Really good English. The cabbies here are easier to understand than those in NYC, and friendlier, too. Also, everyone has a relative in the states, and wants to know how Detroit/Seattle/Miami are this time of year.

Staying at St. Mark's Hotel in central Bangalore. Great place. The entire staff already knows my name. Slept for about three hours, got up and had breakfast. The omelet bar is complemented by a masala dosa bar, and it was delicious. I'm trying to rely on eating smart/local, and avoiding the continental fare offered (where'd that milk come from? is it milk? also, the ham and cheese slices look untouched; best to leave them that way).

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