Monday, June 6, 2016


I can't resist a good biscuit. I often make them at home and find it hard to find a good one in our neck of the woods. Thankfully, this trip provided numerous opportunities to enjoy a diverse range of biscuits. First, Handsome Biscuits in Norfolk provided the hipster version of the baked good, a small biscuit with egg, greens and hot sauce. Big Ed's in the market in Raleigh was old school, a small and relatively flavorless biscuit. BiscuitHead in Asheville prides itself on the size of its biscuits--cat head size to be exact. Fluffy and delicious, these were runner-ups in our best-of-biscuits competition. But Back in the Day bakery in Savannah served up the perfect biscuit, small but flavorful, perfectly textured, and delicious with a nice slice of cheddar.

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