Saturday, June 26, 2010

Baltimore as seen through the Walters

Cabinet of curiosities

A highlight was the recreation of a Dutch cabinet of curiosities--one
case of which is pictured here.

The Walters Art Museum

Headed over to the Walters during the long lunch today.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Shortest water taxi ride ever

The evening concluded with the short journey by boat back to our hotel.

Visionary Art Museum

Our final destination was the American Visionary Art Museum for a
fabulous opening party. The Visionary Museum is famous for its
inspiring presentations of outsider art. I've been wanting to come
here for years and it didn't disappoint. From ballpoint pen drawings
by prisoners to art created by Guantanamo Bay prisoners--all was
inspiring. I particularly loved the obsessive miniatures by an artist
who is attempting to replicate his favorite 30,000 famous paintings in
dollhouse scale. Also got to see the familiar Shrinky-dink art of our
old friend Andrew Romanoff.


I'm in Baltimore for The Americans for the Arts Mid-Century Summit.
After a day of sessions in the hotel we followed a procession--
complete with marching band, flags, and laterns--along the beautiful
waterfront. We were quite a spectacle for the waterfront bridal
parties (we passed two) and drinkers (one of whom said, "finally the
pretty girls showed up").