Wednesday, April 22, 2015

'Tis the Season

At least it's not snowing. That's been a problem in these parts. Meanwhile California has a drought, Polynesia is getting pummeled, Bangladesh is going underwater (again), the Syrian conflict can be traced to food and water scarcity as the result of a shifting climate, etc., etc.

Remember when Buzz Aldrin punched a guy in the face for saying he'd never been to the Moon and it was all a hoax, and the cops were, like, "Dude is an astronaut and he went there and did that, and he has earned the right to punch you in the face for being a moron?" I kinda feel like that with the deniers, which I guess is why these very polite Scandinavians keep calling.

Anyway, the real reason I'm here is because I've been curating the drone conference at the Disruption and Innovation Awards at the TriBeCa Film Festival. Someone has clearly confused me with another short, bald man who knows something about any of the above.

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