Saturday, October 24, 2009

Check Your Passports

Got less than six months left on yours? Renew now and save yourself a headache.

Most countries that require visas require the passport to be current for six months after the issue date of the visa. If, like me, you waited too long, you will be standing in line at the nearest passport office (sucks if you live somewhere other than Seattle, SF, DC, NYC, etc.). Then you will be standing in line at the visa office or consulate. Then you will be waiting for FedEx to show up with your visa and passport--which means you're going no where if you don't have your act together.

Combine that with the recommended vaccinations and you can tell your boss that you'll be spending a fair amount of time away from the office. Before you spend a fair amount of time away from the office.

I'm going to Bangalore for TEDindia first, then Karen and I will be in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand over the holidays. Check back starting the first week of November for updates.


Joiner Family said...

Can't wait to read about your travels! I will be sure to share with grandma! Have fun we will miss seeing you two during the holidays!

Unknown said...

And sometimes the places come to you...
So who's responsible for posting the journey's highlights after the infamous Moon Palace metabolism devours live baby serpents and chases them with kavalade from the local stand? Since one of you is the Steve-O of the culinary world, the other better have a stash of tranquilizer darts and antidotes. (Like the pic, btw)