Saturday, July 5, 2014

Blood Cake and Rarebit

This is the stuff. Fergus composes his dishes around the good bits: heart, kidney, fried belly fat. It's all encased in coagulated blood, with a fried egg on top, and it is awesome. Like, last meal on earth awesome. If this sounds awful to you, or if it's not on your weird and pretentious diet plan, you, my friend, are hereby consigned to Olive Garden and microwaveable Trader Joe burritos for the rest of your existence.

(Interesting fact: a plurality of Americans describe Olive Garden as "a quality purveyor of authentic Italian food." You can look it up. Meanwhile, something in me has died.)

Meanwhile: rarebit. Nothing more than the sharpest, most flavorful cheese toast ever devised. On in-house bread. Who would argue with that? (Well, vegans, but they're only the best proof we have that aliens exist and are here among us.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Aliens ??