Friday, December 25, 2009

Just to Clarify

I did sample them all. The pink ones were astoundingly epoxy-like,
identical to putting something in your mouth that is usually labeled,
"Use in a well-ventilated area," but it only got better from there.
The bun-shaped delicacies were flavorless, while the coral-like
creations resembled a cross between stale canoli and stale donuts. The
sesame seed-ensconced nibbles seemed to be fabricated from beef
bullion, and the ones wrapped in banana leaves provided a truly
exquisite experience: glutenous rice wrapped around something vaguely
marine. At one point I think I saw it move. Fascinating.

The last one proved the best--textured and hard like an old-school
granola bar, it tasted like the perfect peanut butter and honey
sandwich, a thing of beauty on which I subsisted until the age of
eleven, and which still holds a place in my heart (or stomach).

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